An interactive version is now available; allowing zooming in to track level.Route KM vs Track KM
- Route KM: Distance between two points irrespective of how many tracks are present. If a route has multiple tracks such as a Fast and Slow, only one of the tracks will be counted.
- Track KM: All tracks including sidings, yards, loops, etc will be counted.
Year on Year (Official)
Each year the Department for Transport publish figures on electrification. These are reported in Route KM.
Yearly Route KM of electrification on the UK network.
Yearly percentage of electrification on the UK network.
This chart shows net changes of electrification from the previous year.
Auto Generated
The latest values may change with each publish of the network model. This can be daily and is reported in Track KM.
Chart showing the latest electrification breakdown for each month.
Chart showing the breakdown of electrification for the latest publish.
A simplified chart showing electrification for the latest publish.
How is this data maintained?
The data was originally maintained via Freedom of Information requests and is now kept up to date by keeping track of government/media reports and various topics on the RailUK forums.