Getting Data
Electrification Statistics
Route KM vs Track KM
Year on Year (Official)
Each year the Department for Transport publish figures on electrification. These are reported in Route KM.
Yearly Route KM of electrification on the UK network.
Yearly percentage of electrification on the UK network.
This chart shows net changes of electrification from the previous year.
Auto Generated
The latest values may change with each publish of the network model. This can be daily and is reported in Track KM.
Chart showing the latest electrification breakdown for each month.
Chart showing the breakdown of electrification for the latest publish.
A simplified chart showing electrification for the latest publish.
FAQs & Copyright Information
This data has the following limitations:
How is this data kept up-to-date?
Depending on the data source, the data is kept up-to-date with periodic Freedom of Information requests and automation.
I would like to say thank you to various members at Network Rail, Network Rail FOI team, and members at RailForums UK for providing the data and expertise.
Note: The track line quality for mapping has been purposely reduced for increased performance. More noticeable when zoomed in.
Getting Data
Traction Decarbonisation Network Strategy
The report: Network Rail TDNS, September 2020.
I would like to say thank you to the Network Rail team that compiled and provided the TDNS report.
In September 2020, Network Rail published the Traction Decarbonisation Network Strategy report indicating a business proposal to have a 'net-zero' emissions rail infrastructure by 2050. This is an attempt to map the TDNS report onto an interactive map.
Track level-detail was not provided. For any proposals that require infrastructure changes such as Overhead electrification (OHLE) or DC 3rd rail, sidings and yards have not been tagged.
How will this be kept up-to-date?
Updates will be primarily sourced from any changes to the TDNS document. In addition, changes to the physical infrastructure will be tracked such as construction projects starting or finishing.
Map Options
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